JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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------------- I N T R O D U C T I O N -----------------
Are you horizontally challenged? PATTERNS software works with ANY
diet/exercise program to reveal patterns of change within your WEIGHT
PATTERN RECOGNITION to provide you with insight and knowledge concerning
YOUR personal weight patterns. A PROJECTION OF PATTERN is calculated by
the program to predict your FUTURE WEIGHT, based on the BEST PATTERN MATCH
found. This valuable information can provide an early-warning when your
weight may be about to rise without you realizing that it is about to
happen. The CONCEPT behind PATTERNS is that if you know what is LIKELY to
happen, you can then take steps to ACTIVELY manage your weekly body weight
changes. The program also calculates your actual average weight change per
week and how many pounds away you are from your goal weight. A graphical
"line-chart" shows your entire 15 week weight history and 3 week projection
of pattern.
This copy of PATTERNS you are evaluating is the SHAREWARE version. The
SHAREWARE method of distribution allows you, the user, a chance to use
PATTERNS for thirty (30) days, at no cost. After thirty days, if you
continue to use PATTERNS, you are required to register the software with
T. M. Parker (see ORDER.FRM file). The SHAREWARE version of PATTERNS is
fully functional.
HOW TO SET-UP PATTERNS: PATTERNS assumes you have a basic understanding of
DOS commands - MD, COPY etc. NEVER erase the EXAMPLE1.PAT file, as it is
needed to re-build the PATTERNS configuration file. Create a directory on
the hard drive of your computer (typically drive C), named PATTERNS, and
copy all the files on the distribution diskette on to that directory. Type
PATTERNS, press <Enter> and the program will begin. Alternately, you can
type PATTERNS 3 <Enter>, and the program will delay on the opening screen
for 3 seconds and then continue without your having to press any key to
continue. You can use values other than 3, depending on how long you want
the opening screen to remain.
-------------- M E N U C H O I C E S ----------------
Update - Choose this option to update the current PATTERNS file with the
newest date and weekly weigh-in. The oldest weight will AUTOMATICALLY
drop-off and the new weight will move into the queue. PATTERNS will
AUTOMATICALLY search the 15 weights for pattern type, and then build the
PATTERNS Report and create the PROJECTION OF PATTERN which contains your
predicted future weight. The program makes (3) passes and literally
thousands of calculations take place. This process can take up to
45 seconds to complete, depending upon the speed of your computer.
PATTERNS recommends that you weigh daily, and then average your daily
weigh-ins for the week. Then enter that average, once a week, into the
Chart (EGA or better graphics required) - Displays a chart of your 15
actual weights (red), and your 3 predicted weights (yellow). Press any key
to return to PATTERNS Report screen. Alt+1 prints chart to dot-matrix
printer and Alt+2 will print chart to laser-jet printer.
File - This menu choice allows you to load any previously created PATTERN
file. Simply hi-lite the file of choice using the arrow keys and press
Print - The print selection checks to see if printer is ON, and then sends
the current PATTERNS Report to your attached printer.
New - This option lets you ADD a new person to the PATTERNS program. You
will need to enter their FIRST name and their GOAL weight. Next, PATTERNS
will need the starting DATE and WEIGHT you will begin with. The program will
then create 15 date/weight combinations, using your starting date/weight.
A pattern search will take place and you will end up with your first
PATTERNS Report. The report's value is pretty minimal at this time, but as
you do weekly updates, the program will begin to have weight series that it
can "work with" to locate YOUR patterns within your weight history. Usually
by the third to fifth update the program will be able to generate meaningful
Goal - Sometimes your goal, or ideal weight will need to be modified, and
this menu choice allows you to easily do it.
Info - Displays the PATTERNS.DOC file on-screen for easy reference of
program operation/concept.
Tables - This menu selection will help you determine what your goal weight
should be, based on your height in inches and also whether you have a small,
medium or large frame. If you have a small frame, use the lower weights
calculated by PATTERNS. A large frame would use the larger weights and if
you have a medium frame use the weights that are in-between. Calculations
are done AUTOMATICALLY by PATTERNS. If you are working out with weights or
do resistance training as part of your overall program, your weight may be
significantly higher than the calculations indicate.
Included with the goal weight range is the calculated BMI or Body Mass Index.
The BMI is a general indicator of cardiovascular risk using calculations
based on height and weight. Ideally, you would like to have a BMI less than
25. This indicates a low risk number. Between 25 and 30, and you are at low
to moderate risk. Above 30, and your weight may be placing you in a moderate
to high risk category. Typically you will go below 25 BEFORE you reach your
goal weight which is encouraging. The BMI is an approximation of risk. You
should see your personal physician for more precise information - there are
other cardiovascular risks that are not dependent on weight. PATTERNS uses
the BMI as an awareness/motivational tool to encourage weight loss/management
if your BMI exceeds 30.
pRinter - With this option you can set your printer to use, or not use, the
extended character set. First try printing with extended characters. If
the output looks WEIRD and contains strange characters, then choose NOT to
use extended characters. Normally, you only have to access this feature
only once, or when you change printers.
Esc to exit - Pressing the Esc key will end the PATTERNS program and return
you to DOS.
------------ P A T T E R N S R E P O R T ------------
The most important part of the PATTERNS Report is the PROJECTION OF PATTERN.
This projection is the PREDICTED WEIGHTS and TREND of the next three
weigh-ins, based on a found pattern within previous weights in the queue.
The weight history area of the screen will have some of the date/weight
combinations hi-lited. This represents the BEST PATTERN MATCH based on
recent weights and is used by the program to create the PROJECTION OF
The ability to know which direction your weight is headed, based on YOUR
own, unique patterns, allows you to ACTIVELY manage your weight. When your
weight is predicted to rise, you need to be more aggressive with your
diet/exercise program. When the trend is downward, or at the goal level,
you can afford to splurge with a dessert or perhaps skip an aerobic exercise
Your goal weight is always displayed on-screen as is, how over (or under)
weight you currently are from goal. The program considers you to be AT goal
weight if you are plus or minus 2 lbs. of goal weight.
PATTERNS recommends that you lose no more than 1-1/2 lbs. per week. The
program AUTOMATICALLY checks your average weight change (AWC), and cautions
you if you are above this level. AWC is defined as the average weight
difference of the current week + the 1st week prediction. PATTERNS also
tells you if your average weight change is less than .5 lb. If you are just
starting a weight loss program, you may lose more than 1-1/2 lbs during the
first two weeks. This is not a cause for alarm as this is usually water
weight. If after the 3rd week you continue to lose at this higher level, you
need to ACTIVELY step-in and take measures to slow your weight loss down;
decrease exercise, increase caloric intake, etc. Weight that is lost SLOWLY,
tends to stay gone - PERMANENTLY.
The types of patterns the program reveals are based on CYCLES, RATIOS and
INCREMENTAL changes. The BEST PATTERN MATCH is located after thousands of
calculations are done.
Your goal is to reach GOAL WEIGHT and maintain your weight at that level
permanently. PATTERNS helps you during this period by quickly predicting in
the PROJECTION OF PATTERN when you may be moving out of your GOAL WEIGHT
It's should be obvious by now that PATTERNS will work with YOUR
diet/exercise program. Not all diet/exercise programs are effective, or
even healthy. PATTERNS' role is to measure and report the EFFECTIVENESS of
your weight loss program and determine FUTURE WEIGHTS and TREND, based on
YOUR unique patterns of change. PATTERNS recommends you use a weight
loss/management program that is based on reduction of dietary fats, and also
some form of aerobic exercise three times per week for thirty minutes.
PATTERNS is useful when you are losing weight and also when you are
maintaining your goal weight. ACTIVE weight management and the use of the
PATTERNS, are both lifetime propositions.
When you register the PATTERNS software, you will receive a personalized
diskette and also the booklet "PATTERNS for Living". The "PATTERNS for
Living" booklet contains information on how to lose weight using the
PATTERNS software. If you don't have a diet/exercise program, or are
unhappy with the results of diet programs that you've tried in the past,
be sure to register PATTERNS to receive this informative booklet.
CAUTION!! - NEVER begin a diet OR exercise program without first talking it
over and receiving the go-ahead from your physician.
You can order PATTERNS directly from Public (software) Library (PsL) with
your MC, VISA, AMEX, or DISCOVER card by calling 800-242-4PsL (from overseas
or 713 area: 713-524-6394), or FAX a print-out of the ORDER.FRM file to
713-524-6398 or CompuServe at 71355,470. These numbers are for ordering
only. T. M. Parker can NOT be reached at the above numbers. To contact
T. M. Parker for non-credit card orders, information about dealer pricing,
volume discounts, site licensing, status of product shipment, the latest
version number or for technical information, write:
T. M. Parker P. O. Box 1431 La Porte TX, 77572.
Licensing and Distribution Agreement
This program is Copyright (C) 1993 T. M. Parker, All rights reserved.
The software you are purchasing is NOT a shareware program; there is no fee
associated with the shareware version, and it may be used for a 30 day
period, and distributed freely. THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS; THERE